Creating social value for a brighter future
Compass Group UK & Ireland is committed to creating social value in the communities that it operates in.
Social value measures the positive value that businesses create for the economy, communities and society. It’s how we measure the social impact of our company promises: Our Wellbeing Promise, Our Climate Promise and Our Social Promise. We also have a dedicated network of Social Value Ambassadors to ensure we deliver our social agenda through, and beyond, our business every day.
We are delighted to say that using the National Themes, Outcomes and Measures (TOMs) framework we have generated £2.148bn in Social and Local Economic Value since 2021, measured and validated by Social Value Portal.
In 2023 a Social and Local Economic value of £838.1m was achieved (an increase of 42% from £591m in 2021). This is an average contribution of £16,363.74 in Social Value per Compass employee.

Laura Neville, Head of Social Value
"Compass Group UK & Ireland employs thousands of people, supporting many clients – therefore sharing best practice and ideas in social value will have a huge impact for us and those we work with."
Social Value Report Highlights:
Diversity & Inclusion
Our employee networks play a vital role in ensuring we live and breathe our diversity and inclusion commitments. Run by colleagues, for colleagues, they work together to develop meaningful initiatives that raise awareness of key topics and include:
Our Company Promises

Our Social Promise
Our Mission to a Million campaign is focused on enhancing people’s opportunities and changing their lives through job creation, community outreach, charitable engagement and gender pay parity.

Our Climate Promise
Compass Group UK & Ireland is committed to reaching climate Net Zero by 2030.

Our Wellbeing Promise
Our goal is to build a culture that encourages healthy eating and supports mental wellbeing for the millions of people we feed, as well as our people – enabling them to bring their best selves to work.
Our Memberships
To further demonstrate our commitment to delivering on our company promises, Compass UK & Ireland is an active member of task forces and professional bodies that are focused on corporate initiatives that bring about social value.
Robin Mills, Managing Director of Compass Group UK & Ireland
"Compass has long been committed to doing the right thing. We have a people-first philosophy, supporting our employees as well as the communities in which we work."