Helping people change their lives for the better
Our Social Promise will see Compass UK & Ireland provide support to one million people from both within and outside our organisation, through our Mission to a Million campaign. We are working to enhance people’s opportunities and change their lives through job creation, education, training, community and charitable engagement.
By 2030, we want to have addressed the barriers that many face when it comes to progression – particularly of gender, race, and those from less advantaged and under-represented backgrounds.
We plan to do this through ensuring better representation, providing our employees with skills and progression, supporting the communities in which we work, helping the next generation by engaging with schools, and advocating fairer pay for all.
Compass UK & I has set an annual target for promotions within the company to gradually improve diversity across middle and senior management. We will track progression rates for employees of different genders and ethnicities to have a clear understanding of the strategy’s impact. We will be the first in our industry to measure and set socioeconomic representation targets.

Providing skills & progression
The food services sector is uniquely placed to support people with their workplace progression - regardless of when and where they start.
We’ll establish clear pathways to progression for all employees, offer support and mentorship programmes, and start tracking progression rates for employees of different genders and ethnicities so we’re clear on the impact of our actions.
We’ll also continue to invest in the 750 apprenticeships we create each year.

Ensuring representation
From frontline to senior leadership, we want all levels of our organisation to be representative of the UK’s diverse working population.
By 2025, we’ll have reached 50/50 gender parity for junior management through to senior leadership. Our ethnic diversity will be in line with the UK population by 2027 across all levels and by 2030, 40% of our management and leadership population will be from a lower socio-economic background.
We will also commit to proactive recruitment within under-represented or disadvantaged groups, including those with a disability.

Outreach to our communities
Working with partners such as DWP, Springboard, The Clink and Care Leaver Covenant, we’re aiming to provide good employment for those from hard-to-reach groups.
We will also look to launch a new voluntary work scheme, giving our 45,000 employees a day off to support their local community.

Helping the next generation
We know how essential health and nutrition is for people’s wellbeing. Through our education business, we’ll engage with schools on the benefits of nutrition and culinary skills.
We will also work with schools and colleges to give access to work placements and employment opportunities in the food services industry.

Securing fair pay for all
We will publish clear annual gender and ethnicity pay gap reports, including a detailed explanation of the actions taken to close the gap year on year.
While we already pay the Real Living Wage to those we directly employ and have a Recognised Service Provider status by the Living Wage Foundation, we will continue to advocate for the living wage across the industry - encouraging clients and suppliers to also pay the Living Wage. Going forward, we will track and report on this activity.