You Matter….
We are pleased to launch ‘You Matter’ – our mental health awareness campaign
This week we're launching You Matter, our Compass Group UK&I mental health support campaign. Supporting colleagues and those with mental health challenges has been something we have been passionate about for some time. Last year we launched our partnership with Hospitality Action, to help address the stigma around mental health.
This week we are encouraging our colleagues to “Ask Twice” and check in with each other, that they are ok and provide an opportunity for people to speak up should they be struggling.
We are all aware that the past few months have put pressures on individuals like never before. Everyone has faced challenges whether that be in their business or personal lives. Living through an event such as a Coronavirus has meant great uncertainty for many for us, leading to an increase in anxiety and worry.
Our mission to support each other
Our “You Matter” campaign is putting mental health front and centre of our conversations, with the ambition to create a culture of openness and acceptance around mental health, as well as provide the tools to support each others mental wellbeing.
Mental health effects many people either directly or indirectly, including myself, and we have interviewed colleagues about their experiences. We hope that these videos will encourage others who may need to help to speak up.
Working with our partners to make change
Just like other health issues anyone can have periods of poor mental health, but statistics show that people working in the hospitality sector are particularly vulnerable and through our partnership with with Hospitality in Action we are working to make change, not just in our company, but in the industry more broadly. We are very well placed to be able to do this, 75% of colleagues already say that they work in a positive and caring team and 83% say that they can be themselves in the workplace, this is a great platform to build on.
There should be no stigma in talking about your mental wellbeing, but I know that many people find it difficult and are not sure where to start or how best to support their friends and colleagues. Therefore, as part of our You Matter campaign we are providing line manager awareness training, so that they can spot when help might be needed and signpost people to get the right support; we have enhanced the services of our employee assistance programme, as well as created a network of ambassadors to promote awareness of the issue and support development of a culture of openness.
We really can all make a difference.
Remember however you are feeling at the moment, it’s always good to talk, and you really do matter.
Ian Cranna, Future Food Offer and New Channels Director; Executive Team sponsor for “You Matter”