Supporting the Armed Forces Covenant
We are proud signatories of the Armed Forces Covenant. This means we have made a number of commitments to support those from the Armed Forces community.
These are:

- No member of the Armed Forces Community should face disadvantage in the provision of public and commercial services compared to any other citizen.
- In some circumstances special treatment may be appropriate for the injured or bereaved.
- Promoting the Armed Forces: promoting the fact that we are an armed forces-friendly organisation through our communications channels, and whilst recruiting employees.
- Veterans: proactively encourage the employment of veterans, recognising military skills and qualifications in our recruitment and selection process; working with the Career Transition Partnership (CTP) and other agencies to support the employment of Service leavers; run a work placement programme for service leavers.
- Service spouses, partners and families: supporting the employment of Service spouses and partners by partnering with the Forces Families Jobs Forum; support and engage with Service spouses, partners and their wider families by offering flexible employment and career opportunities; provide Service spouses with an additional day's holiday when their spouse is deployed on operations for 3 months or longer in line with Spouses policy.
- Reserves: actively support our employees who are members of the Reserve Forces; granting additional 10 days paid leave for annual Reserve Forces training; supporting their training and during their activation and deployment; actively promoting the benefits of employing Reservists.
- Cadet Organisations: supporting our employees who are volunteer leaders in military cadet organisations, granting additional leave to attend annual training camps and courses; actively encouraging members of staff to become volunteer leaders in cadet organisations; supporting local military cadet units; recognising the benefits of employing cadets/ex-cadets within the workforce.
- Military Dependants: support our Compass Group military families through our Dependant Days bringing all of our dependants together for quarterly events.
- Reserves and Military engagement: continue to support and work closely with the Regular (Core Catering Manpower) and Reserve Forces (167 Catering Support Regiment).
- National Events: supporting Armed Forces Day, Reserves Day, the Poppy Appeal Day and Remembrance activities, and other local events.
- Charity relationships: maintain our working relationships and fundraising initiatives with major forces charities and supporting employees who volunteer. The Soldier's ABF charity, RNRMC, RAF BF, SSAFA.